Funny Pics of Adrien Agreste Saying I Must Dance

Wayzz Nasca Icon.png This page lists quotes from Adrien Agreste. Please add to the contents of this page, but only quotes by this character, not quotes related to the character.

Recurring quotes

" Playtime's over, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. "
" Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little feather. "
" Miraculous Mister Bug! "

Season 1

Stormy Weather

" Hey, Ice Queen, what's with all the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature? "
" Listen, I'm feline more generous than usual today. So cool down and we'll call it quits, 'kay? "
" Frosty the Snowgirl's getting away [...] Do I hear a damsel in distress? "
" Great. So, we're about to be obliterated, but... at least we'll be dry. "

The Evillustrator

" I got wind that you were being blown away by a hairy situation. "
" Well, that guy looks pretty sketchy. "
" [The Evillustrator] sure has a way of illustrating his point. "
" Oh, this cat's got particle physics in the bag. "
" Whoo-hoo! I thought I was going to have to save you from that girl's claws. Get it? Claws? Hey, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Cat Noir. "
" Gotta go. A superhero's work is never done. Damsels in distress, ladies in waiting... I've got a lot more saving to do. You can thank me later. "
" Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in! "
" Ladybug! This cat doesn't have nine lives! "
" I heard about your adventures with Cat Noir yesterday. Were you scared? "

Lady Wifi

" If Chloé is Ladybug like Alya said, then Lady Wifi's gonna head straight for her house! "
" So, what do you do when you're not Ladybug? "
" You're out of minutes, Lady Wifi! "
" Stay! I won't tell anyone who you are. Cat's honor. "
" That's the thing, Plagg, I wasn't thinking. I was following my heart. "

Princess Fragrance

" Oh! Are you okay? Nothing broken? "
" P-U! Could we get a little fresh air in here? "
" Can we open the windows? This fish smell is even too much for a cat. "
" ♫ Give me your miraculous! ♫ "

Dark Cupid

" I don't need a poem when I can tell [Ladybug] to her face... I love you. "
" I swore to myself that I'd tell you as soon as I saw you. Ladybug, I—I—look out! "
" Ladybug, I—I loathe you! You're nothing Ladybug, and nothing to me! I hate you! "
" I've often wondered what would happen if I used my Cataclysm on someone. "
" Whoa, hold up! Someone answered my poem? But I threw it away! "

Mr. Pigeon

" Wow Alya, those are some awesome designs. I didn't know you had such mad skills. "
" You're super talented, Marinette. You seriously have a good chance of winning. "
" Where's that bird-brain Mr. Pigeon? "
" My pigeon radar is on high alert. "
" A-a-achoo! Sorry, I'm allergic to feathers. "


" I think we've been like... digitized or something. "
" I'm gonna see if there's a way out down there. Don't go anywhere; could be dangerous. "
" It's my first live concert, ever! It's amazing! "


" These statues are amazing. One thing's slightly, off though — I'm actually taller than Ladybug. "
" Hey, don't mean to burst your bubble, but you know, Ladybug and me, we're a thing, you know? "
" Not only is that person a fake, he's a terrible fake! "
" Whoa! Easy, tigers! You've got the wrong cat! That thief's an impostor. I'm the real Cat Noir! "
" You know I'm innocent, don't you, Bugaboo? "
" Love me? ...You're right! She loves me! That's why she'll be able to reveal your true identity! "
" If you don't believe I'm the real Cat Noir, ask him about our love for each other. Have I ever lied to you, Bugaboo? "
" Better help the fellow out. His crush just got crushed. [...] That makes two of us. "

The Bubbler

" Ugh, Plagg! Get that filthy piece of Camembert out of my face! "
" Nino, wait! I'm sorry. My father, he's pretty stubborn. It's just best to stay out of his way. "
" Wow, that was a birthday lunch break to remember. Yay. "
" This might be the first day in my life that I actually get to do what I want for once. "
" Thank you. I mean, please say thank you to my father for me. "
" Yeah, can you believe my dad got this [scarf] for me? It's so awesome. He's been giving me the same lame pen for three years in a row. "

Simon Says

" We've got to get to my house, now! My father's in danger! "
" I couldn't keep him away. He's coming. He's got company. [...] Close off all exits! They're coming from every direction! Do as I say! Engage the self-defense system; we need total lockdown! "
" You're in danger, like everyone else. So stop pretending you're above us all and do what I tell you to! "
" Can I put on my clothes first? "
" My mother on her 17th birthday. She was pretty, huh? She's got your eyes. "
" Prefer Ladybug? Can't say I blame you. "
" Is [the ring] the only thing you've never noticed about me? "


" Hi Father, it's me. It's Parent's Career Day at school, remember? I was hoping that you were gonna show up. Call me back. "
" Exactly! You can't accuse someone without proof! We should go and defend ourselves in a Court of Law! "
" Something about Paris just makes you wanna dance. "
" I'd stick around, but then you'd see me without my mask and... you wouldn't be able to resist me. "


" We? That was practically all you. You're amazing, Marinette. I guess you wouldn't even need me. I'm so lame compared to you. "
" I heard Miss Video Game Champion really took down the final boss. "
" Go on, Marinette. You're a hundred times better than me. You belong on the team. Win the tournament for the school. I know you can do it. "


" You're cool too, dude; trust me! Or you wouldn't be my best bud! "
" Sorry about that. How could we make it up to you? Any ideas, Nino? How about we all check out the...zoo today? "
" But first I wanted to take this opportunity to... tell you that I love you, Marinette. "
" Thanks. I've always wanted to smell like... Ocean Summer Breeze? "
" Well, I know of some other animals that'll soon be extinct — the cat and the ladybug! "


" Wow, Mr. D'Argencourt, I've never seen you on fire like this! That was some attack! "
" Seriously? How did I not see that coming? "
" Guys, do you only know heavy metal? "
" I was managing just fine by myself, you know, but it's always nice to see you. "
" So did I [become a knight]! What a "knight"mare! "

The Pharaoh

" That's crazy! What are the odds that we have the same textbook? Maybe we even go to the same school! "
" For one, ladies smell about a thousand times better than that cheese. And they're much better-looking. "
" Hiding behind an innocent bystander? You're weak, Pharaoh! "
" Why do I have to deal with these freaks while you get to slip calmly 'round back?
Ladybug: Because I'm the only one who can capture his akuma, and because you are the bravest one out of both of us!
Sure!... I know you don't really think that, but I'll pretend you do.


" Let me guess. We're all playing a game of tag and you're it? "
" Which life? I've got nine. "
" Two Ladybugs? I'm in heaven! "
" Ahhh... [Ladybug]'ll fall for me someday. It's just a matter of time. "


" I left Officer Jones' jacket back there! Should probably wear it in all the scenes. "
" Uh-uh; easier said than done, Ladybug! I tried to cut through the goo, but it's no good. Totally indestructible. So, looks like we're trapped inside the school for now. Just stay put and try to relax, guys. "

The Puppeteer

" Excuse me, sir, there's a... uh... cat loose on the train! "
" Breaking and entering are grounds for a serious time-out. "
" Don't let her make me a puppet! You know I like to be in command! "
" Good. And Ladybug, FYI, you can pull my heartstrings any day! "

The Mime

" My dad's flaking, isn't he? Let me guess; something came up? "
" Nice ride, but if I were you, I would have at least made it a convertible. "
" But we're the cat-and-bug team, remember? "
" [The Mime] sure brings a whole new meaning to "silent but deadly". "
" A shoe box? Great. There better be some explosive boots in there or something. "
" Such a shame. I could have been your date in the play tonight, just you and me. "

Guitar Villain

" Hey, Jagged! C'mon! Why don't you try to rock my world? "
" Huh, wow! The bug mastered the dragon! "
" I... wanted to ask if... I could get [my album cover]... autographed? "


" It's no big deal, Chloé! As long as we're all in the same photo, right? "
" This isn't gym class, you know, Chlo'. "
" Cataclysm! Huh? What? My Miraculous! It's gone! "
" My powers might be gone, but I can't just stand by and do nothing! [...] Who invented these [platform shoes]? "
" If you want your faces back, then listen up. Have you ever heard of safety in numbers? "
" These shoes are killer on the feet, M'Lady. "
" 'Course it is [me]. Can't you tell by my swagger? Am I still the cat's meow or what? "

Ladybug & Cat Noir

" I just wanna go to school like everybody else. What's so wrong with that? Please don't tell my father about all this. "
" It's not dangerous, Father. I'm always stuck in here by myself. Why can't I go out and make friends just like everybody else? "
" My dad's pranking me, right? Wait, he couldn't be; he has no sense of humor. "
" But I'm stuck here! I'm not even allowed to go to school! What good is a superhero who's imprisoned in his own house? "
" I bet you're the partner my kwami told me about. I'm... Cat Noir. Yeah, Cat Noir. And you? "
" Camembert cheese. Fantastic. All [Plagg] eats is Camembert, which means I'm gonna smell like stinky old cheese. "


" You don't get it Plagg, I've had enough of being shut up at home by my dad. I want to meet people and make friends! Go to a normal school like everyone else! "
" I've known Chloé ever since I was a little kid. I know she's not perfect, but I can't throw her under the bus. She's like my only friend. "
" M'Lady, have I ever told you you turn my world upside down? "
" No. [Roger]'s wrong, because without you, [Chloé]'d no longer be here. And because without us, they won't make it, and we'll prove that to 'em. Trust me on this. Okay? "
" Wow. Whoever she is beneath that mask, I love that girl. "
" Hey. I just wanted you to know that I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat. I swear. I've never been to school before. I've never had friends. It's all sort of... new to me. "
" Whatever. [Marinette]'s just a friend. Oh... a friend! "


" It's not gonna be easy to find someone we can't see. "
" Why didn't you listen to Chloé? She was only trying to help. "
" Never! Not with a fake like you! Ladybug and I are a team. "
" Sorry, but I don't take any orders from a mere copycat. "
" 'Course. We're a team, aren't we? "

Kung Food

" Alya called me. She said you needed someone who speaks Chinese? Well, here I am! Translator at your service. "
" Cheng Shifu isn't just a chef, Marinette — he's an artist! He told me he was gonna put flowers in his Celestial Soup. He said he improvises on fateful things that come his way. The flowers he mentioned must be the ones you gave him! "
" Japanese people make sushi, Chloé. Cheng Shifu is Chinese! "
" Mmm. It might taste good, but it's totally indestructible. Looks like we're trapped inside. "
" Seafood? This scampi happening. Let's see if you can carry a tuna! "
" I think the electricity between us short-circuited the elevator. "
" Nice work, M'Lady. Shall we go and find the head chef? "


" [My father] hides stuff behind the painting of Mom? "
" Hawk Moth? What's this monster doing in a book about superheroes? "
" Looks like we have a new partner. "
" Excuse me, but it wasn't really quite a date, per se. I mean— what I meant was it could've become one, right? No need to get bent out of shape! "
" Ugh, that stubbornness, it's so... so... irresistible! "
" If [my father] finds out [his book]'s missing, I'll have something worse than Hawk Moth to deal with. "

Season 2

The Collector

" I... I just wanted to know what you were hiding behind that portrait that was so important. You.. you never told me about those things. I was intending to give [the Miraculous Spellbook] back to you, I swear! But then... I lost it. "
" I didn't know that. I hardly know anything about you, Father. "
" I've gotta find that book, or I'll never be allowed to return to school. "
" My father's angry because of me. He won't forgive me until I find that book. "
" It's time to get to the bottom of this. "
" So that must mean...Gabriel Agreste can't possibly be Hawk Moth, since he's been akumatized! "
" You were akumatized by Hawk Moth. But don't worry, it's over now! "
" I shouldn't have taken [the Miraculous Spellbook] without your permission. "

Prime Queen

" Wanna hear a secret? I love chouquettes. "
" I thought you decided to stand me up, M'Lady! "
" Don't listen to her. Bugaboo's just a spot jealous. "
" Uh, sorry. When duty calls... gotta get going! "
" That's the price of success, M'Lady, the price of stardom. "
" Wait! I wasn't planning on getting home so early! Why don't we get some ice cream? I know the purr-fect place! "
" There are many, many subway lines in Paris, which means a hundred and forty miles of rails. If we want to get there in time to save Chloé, I don't think we have a choice. "
" And we're about to kiss! Shame you're missing it! "


" I'm always ready, M'Lady. Who needs brakes when they've got us? "
" So, uh, Ladybug? What would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner, rooftop style? [...] We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean, wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another? "
" Then what's the point of keeping me here if [Father]'s never gonna show up, Nathalie? "
" Adrien may not be allowed out of the house, but Cat Noir is! "
" She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me...[not] "
" No, I don't feel like being a superhero tonight. And I also don't feel like being alone tonight. Would you mind if I hung out here for a little while? "
" Seriously. I seem to have bad luck in the love department myself. [...] Well, tonight, I had this special surprise all planned for Ladybug. "
" [Ladybug] told me she might not make it but I had my fingers crossed. I really wanted her to come. "
" The sweethearts' ice cream guy? He isn't looking too sweet right now. "
" Sorry, Ladybug, it's not cool to play with people's feelings. "
" I get it, Ladybug. Your friendship means everything to me. You can keep the rose. It goes with your costume. "
" Perhaps Ladybug will love me someday. I mean, like I love her. I have to believe. In the meantime, her friendship is the best gift of all. "

Despair Bear

" Urgh, wait. Excuse me, sir! It couldn't possibly be Marinette. Why would she disrupt her own father's cooking class? "
" And it doesn't bother you that everyone's being punished because of you? "
" Chloé. How long have you and I been friends? [...] Well, I'm sorry Chloé, but I can't be friends with someone who treats other people like this. You've gotta be nice to people. [...] Yes, nice. It's not that hard. "
" Well, I've known Chloé for a long time. She can be really cool, sometimes. "
" See? Chloé's on her best behavior tonight. "
" That's a very slippery dance floor. "
" I'm proud of you, Chloé. I think you've proven that you're capable of making an effort to be nicer to everyone. "
" Wow, this is really good. Your baking is good as your dancing. "


" It's time for Cat Noir to cook up a plan at the bakery! "
" Hey everyone, let me take care of this. It'll be a piece of cake! "
" Good to see you, Bugaboo. Looks like we're gonna break bread today, huh? "
" Aw, my poor Bugaboo! Another supervillain fan has literally glued themselves to you. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm the only one to stick to M'Lady! "
" I already know who you are. You're the girl of my dreams. "
" I'm glad to have you as one of my fans. "


" Aw, don't be such a baby, Plagg! "
" Well, you're the biggest rugrat I've ever seen. [...] Let's go splish-splash, mega-baby. You can't catch me! Let's get our feet nice and wet. But we can't squish anyone, okay? "
" Are you kidding? We were just playing a fun game of tag! "
" Interesting idea, M'Lady. But how are we gonna get him [to the Eiffel Tower]? Don't you have a simpler plan? How about your Lucky Charm? "
" I have a great voice, you know? I'll meow you a serenade one of these days. "
" I loved playing with cars when I was a kid, too. "
" I hear your ice cream's the best in Paris, André. "


" Bend your knees, then stretch your left foot back, turned outwards. Perfect! Now, put your saber forward, like this. "
" Go on, Marinette. You're supposed to touch me. "
" All I did was lunge. You've got good reflexes! "
" With saber fencing, the attacker doesn't necessarily win the point even though he touched his opponent first. You took the initiative, so we say that you had priority. I can only parry or riposte, so I lose. "
" [Kagami]'s the only daughter belonging to a family of prestigious fencers. Her mother and grandfather were both world champions. I've read about them before! She and her mother just moved to Paris! How incredible! "
" I- I can't fight you like this! You're not... yourself. "
" Don't let her close in on you! Fight back! "
" Nobody's denying that [you're the best fencer]. My friend Marinette made a bad call earlier. [...] I'm sure Marinette wasn't trying to humiliate you. "
" It's time we went and joined Ladybug. [...] I've gotta help her! "
" A fencing tournament at the Louvre? How come I wasn't invited? "
" I was preening myself, M'Lady. You know how long it takes cats to get ready. "
" Maybe [Adrien] was feeling a little... claws-trophobic? "
" Yeah, I'm sorry. I figured it would be better to escape before Riposte came along. Besides, I... hate to be locked up. "
" Marinette can get flustered easily. She's kind and means well. She'd never cheat. Today was her first-ever experience with fencing. "
" Marinette? Yeah, of course! She's a very good friend, and you'll really like her too, once you get to know her. "


" Uh, uh... yes, Alya! I know a very good dentist and here's his number! "
" Hey, I never knew grandmas could be so nasty. "
" Eh, not convinced. I'm much more into black. Makes my eyes stand out, don't you think? "
" Hey, I thought fairies were supposed to be nice! "
" You must be a real cool girl if your friends are protecting you like that. So why's your grandma flipping out? "
" Don't worry. I promise to get your real grandma back safe. Oh, I almost forgot. Happy birthday, anyway. "
" Cat Noir comes, too, unexpectedly. Uh, how do you make that rhyme? "
" Can I hitch a ride? Your granddaughter isn't here. Let me show you the way. "
" I guess I'm a compulsive liar? "
" I always carry the lucky charm you gave me with me wherever I go, and I think it works pretty well. So... I figured it was my turn to make one for you. "


" There's no way I can wear this! [...] No, Plagg. I mean that everyone's gonna realize that I'm the real Cat Noir! "
" If they see me with this mask on, they're all gonna recognize me for sure! I can't wear it! Right. Now I'm gonna try to act as lame as I possibly can. Hopefully they'll have no choice but to replace me. "
" Chloé, everyone has to audition. You know that! "
" Do you mind if I join the dance? "
" Yeah, you're right. We have to rhyme. Not so easy, um...all the time? "
" Dancing fight moves...? Like my Capoeira grooves! "
" Your math is crazy. Count again, M'Lady. "
" I almost made a serious boo-boo. But I didn't, thanks to you! "
" Let's cut a rug, M'Ladybug! "
" You're feeling unsteady. You know you've lost already! "
" Yeah, I prefer this version, too. I couldn't have pulled off playing Cat Noir. "


" Father, there's something I'd like to talk to you...about. Can I have a few minutes of your time? "
" Thank you for saving me. People are going crazy over this ad. [...] I don't know about [it being 'awesome']. In fact it's really quite... embarrassing? "
" Actually I–I snuck out without permission. I'm supposed to be home right now and— "
" I'm so sorry I got you in this crazy mess, Marinette. Plus, now everyone thinks you're my girlfriend! "
" How can anything bad happen...with my Marinette lucky charm? "
" Actually, this is where I was heading when those crazed fans suddenly showed up. Thanks to you, my father won't find out. "
" I am. With my bodyguard or Nathalie, of course. But I'm not sure my father would've allowed me to see this particular movie. [...] It's a very rare movie that I've never been able to see. It's not on the Internet and my father's hidden the only DVD somewhere at home. See, my mother played the leading role. [...] It's only being shown once. Today, in this theater. I couldn't talk to my father about it, so I decided to sneak out, unnoticed. [...] Oh well. At least I'll get to see it. Not to mention this is the first time I've ever come to the movies with a friend. "
" Stop! I'm the one you wanted. Leave them alone! "
" [I'll] always [trust you, Ladybug]! "
" I can't [transform], Plagg! Not in the open like this! I'm sure Ladybug has a plan. I trust her! "
" I just knew I could count on you, M'Lad— um, Ladybug. "
" You're about to transform back. So you should just leave me here, and I'll stay hidden while I wait for Cat Noir to turn up. "
" Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Don't worry, "Adrien", I won't let [Gorizilla] touch a hair on your head! "
" This is Cat Noir Express Deliveries. Did you order a giant beast, M'Lady? "
" I knew I could count on you. I'm sorry I had to ask you to stand in for me earlier. You must think I'm not very brave. "
" If you can manage to stop running after me screaming, I'm sure we can be good friends! "
" I'm sorry, Father. I tried to talk to you, but you were so busy. In fact, I always feel like you don't want to talk at all, so— "


" One thing's for sure: Max's friend definitely has emotions! "
" You and I better play it safe. This robot's brain computes faster than ours combined. "
" Do you need subtitles? I speak several languages. "
" Aw, come on! She could've at least finished saying my name! "
" Doesn't Hawk Moth usually demand the Miraculous? "


" So you mean we've gotta catch 'em all? "
" Hey! Don't eat that ice cream or things'll get catastrophic! "
" Hurry up! My kung-fu's not enough! "
" Whoa! Who's this superhero friend of yours? No offense, but I thought I was the only one! "
" Well, sneaky fox, think you'll be as sneaky as a cat? "
" Welcome to our team! If you need any cool superhero tips, you know where to come! "
" I have a feeling working with you is gonna be a lot of fun! "
" Just think of the illusion you want to create. Stay focused! "
" Yeah, but it's okay if I see who you are. I can keep a secret. "
" Oh, don't worry. Sometimes it's even more absurd than this! "
" Looking forward to fighting villains with you again, Rena Rouge! "

The Dark Owl

" Online gaming battle? I'm free. [...] I forgot. I got Chinese class. "
" You're really going to get hurt one of these days. At least wear a helmet. "
" The principal Mr. Damocles has a good heart, but this is bound to end badly. "
" Of course! If we make [Mr. Damocles] a hero for a day like he always dreamed of, he'll be happy and quit playing this dangerous game. Spot on as usual, M'Lady! We just need to figure out how. "
" Sorry, Nino. Same as usual. But I should be free tomorrow. "
" By the way, say "hi" to Hawk Moth for us. Hope he enjoys his new toys! "
" See that? Reading comic books can actually save lives! "
" Cat vs. bird! Who do you think wins this fight? "
" Feline going to the movies? "


" Come on, guys, you wouldn't eat one of your cousins, would ya? "
" So you're allowed to know [Rena Rouge's] true identity, but I'm not? [...] So what's my role, then? The guy who's always left in the dark? What else are you hiding from me? "
" "Hey, Cat Noir, do you trust me?" "Sure, Ladybug; do you trust me, too?" "Are you kidding? I will never trust you! Ha ha ha ha!" You must know what Ladybug's hiding from me, Plagg. "
" Pity. Just when I was about to order you some very tasty cheese. Have you ever sampled La Trappe d'Échourgnac? It says here it tastes like walnuts. [...] Did you know about the Fourme de Montbrison? Apparently, it's the oldest cheese in the world. [...] Yes...and do you know why its rind is orange? Because they age it on special boards of spruce wood. [...] Which one do you prefer, the Tomme de Bouche, or the Saintignon? "
" Tome de Quraish with truffles; raw milk Camembert, aged on vine leaves marinated in Emmental juice... "
" Cats aren't exactly crazy about water either, you know. Is there any chance you can get us a submarine? "
" ...say anything. Yeah, I know. But we are a team, aren't we? I'm tired of all these secrets. "
" If you don't tell me what Ladybug is hiding from me, I'm done! [...] Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care! "
" The three of us can go together [to the movies]. I'll even share my popcorn. "
" How cool! I always wanted a goldfish! "
" Thank you for keeping your promise, M'Lady. "


" I'm so lucky to get a teacher like [Miss Bustier] for my first year in school. "
" [The zombies]'re contagious! Don't let yourselves get kissed! "
" Come on, don't be ridiculous. How else will we work under the radar? "
" Sorry, guys, no autographs this time! "
" Hey guys, I'm all for our French greetings, but let's hold off on the kisses for now, huh? "
" You should know the answer to that, M'Lady. I can do anything. "
" I've mastered every car and racetrack in Extreme Racing 3, but there are no buses in that game. "
" There's nothing we can do for [Alya]. Come on! "
" It doesn't matter that we're the only ones left, Bugaboo, since you'll fix it all in the end anyway. "
" I'll just stay here and chill, M'Lady. If we're going to end up kissing, then I'd rather do it after you save us, okay? [...] You're the only one who can fix this for us. No arguing now! "

Captain Hardrock

" I'm just doing the same exercises over and over again. I think I could make better progress if I could just play with other musicians. After all, music's meant to be shared with other people, don't you think? "
" I just wanted to go to my friend's concert, Plagg! "
" I may be grounded Plagg, but they're playing my song. "
" I'll be purr-fect, as long as I stay dry. "
" Thanks, M'Lady. Any longer and I would've been fish food. "
" Oh, not much. You just had a bout of... seasickness. Time to raise the sails M'Lady. "
" Would you like to play this piece with me, Father, as a duet? [...] Please Father, if I'm not allowed to go to my friends' concert, at least grant me this. "
" Whoa, an original ZX20.4, I love the sound of this instrument. [...] I know how to play it. "


" And then we won't have to keep secrets from each other anymore. We'll be united, more powerful and free. We'll defeat Hawk Moth. Then we can both run away... to an island, far away from everything! We'll live off nothing but fruits, and we'll have a little pet hamster and we'll name it— "
" Do you ever get the feeling that you're stuck, Kagami? That no matter what you do.. it's the same old story over and over again? That things'll never.. ever change? "
" No, no way; Ladybug's the only one I love, but... [...] Why should it be different with Kagami?... Must not have the right technique, that's all... "
" Yes, Father. I'm heading out for a one-on-one lesson with my strongest partner: Kagami. "
" I don't know what to do about Kagami. Should I offer to hold her hand? "
" My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack. You go your way, I'll go mine. [...] There may be a certain chill now between us. [...] We don't always have to do everything together, after all. It's not like we're a couple. "
" My Cataclysm could destroy his skates but he'd have to be up in the air. You were right, M'Lady. We're gonna have to set a trap. "
" No, I just want [Philippe] to be happy. And I'm not changing my target, even if it means failing over and over again, 'cause one day I will succeed and hit it. "

Style Queen

" Marinette, everything's gonna be fine. Your hat looks great; I think it's awesome; so does my father. Otherwise he wouldn't have picked it for me. "
" My father isn't here! "
" Oh, the fashion show! My father is gonna worry about me. "
" Thank you, Ladybug. For the lift and also... for saving my life. "

Queen Wasp

" I'll be able to model for you! "
" Isn't this awesome for Marinette, Chloé? "
" Chloé... what are you doing?! "
" I hope Chloé doesn't do anything foolish. "
" Thanks for your co-operation, people. Please, keep on being paw-some and evacuate the station calmly. "
" Did you... lose a Miraculous? "
" Wherever [Chloé] is, she must've transformed back by now. "
" You know I'm all yours, M'Lady. We just have to find out how to capture [the akuma] without getting stung. "
" I know that you did the things you did to impress your mother[, Chloé]. "
" Show everyone how exceptional you can be. "


" It's rude to spy on people. "
" I forgot my fencing gloves. Since traffic's so bad, I'll go get them and catch up with you on foot. "
" Awesome costume! Hah! Too bad we'll have to tear it up! "
" Oh, yeah, I'm so scared. Come on, M'Lady, let's wrap this up. "
" What!? You wanna face him again? I really don't wanna fight that bad guy. He looks so mean... "
" Whoa, you drive like a maniac! "
" Does this mean we have to take another cab? "
" You're a public health hazard! "
" You're right M'Lady. Our powers may be all screwed up, but we still make a great team. "
" Cool. Feels good to be ourselves again. "


" Someday I hope I'll find someone I can share everything with... like [Alya and Nino] do. But until my father starts letting me go out more often, that probably won't be happening. "
" You know how overprotective [my father] is. One day he'll realize I'm not a child anymore, but we're not quite there yet. "
" Nino, you don't stand a chance against Anansi; she's way too strong. "
" Whoa! It's beautiful. Thank you, guys. Marinette, behind you! I saw something go by; what was it? "
" Uh… uh… I think my wifi is losing signal. "
" All those arms, that's convenient. But you destroyed my scratching post. "
" Oh… uh… M'Lady? I think I got myself into a sticky situation. "
" Technically speaking, spiders don't actually eat cats. "
" On your left; no, on your right. No, the other right! "
" You're not really replacing me with a turtle, are you? "


" Uh… no. I think it's terrible! How can you celebrate a thing like [Chloé leaving Paris]? "
" Nobody's useless, not even Chloé. When I was little and wasn't allowed out, she was the only friend I had. [...] She left angry and unhappy. I can't celebrate that. "
" Hey, you! Do you have a demolition permit for this school? "
" It's time we impeach him and declare him powerless! "
" Sorry, M'Lady. Feel like I was pretty useless this time around. "
" It was really cool of you to put this party together for Chloé. "


" What's going on?! Plagg! Wake up! Plagg! No! Who turned you into a sock? "
" Nathalie! Father! Can anybody hear me?! "
" Plagg! I'm so relieved you're not a sock, but you better have a good excuse. "
" M'Lady! Tonight's been a total nightmare… until you showed up. "
" Losing [my powers] is not what I'm afraid of. "
" You don't scare me! You're just a stupid dream. "
" That's what happens when you let kids watch anything they want on TV. "
" You're the lady of my dreams. "
" I know what it's like to have your freedom restricted, Plagg. You don't need to pretend to be a sock. "


" Plagg! Do you really have to eat [Camembert] so early in the morning? "
" Today I plan to give my fencing classmates a lesson in Chinese and my Chinese classmates a lesson in fencing. "
" Marinette! This is awesome! My father gave me permission to come to your tasting! [...] You didn't bake enough pastries for me, is that it? "
" You're a true hero, [Plagg]. "
" No way I was gonna miss this party, M'Lady. Especially with all these guests. "
" Know what? I'm sure I can find Ladybug a much better Queen Bee. "
" It's only like ten villains to every one of us. Who wants Hawk Moth? How 'bout we rock-paper-scissors for it? "


" Yes, we are [prepared]! We've already fought them all and won! And there are five of us this time! "
" And we've got a better idea! You're gonna give us your Miraculous! "
" Simple plan then. Go for the big bad boss. "
" Hawk Moth is using Dark Cupid to create all the negative emotions he needs. "
" I don't see how we're going to get out of this one, M'lady. [...] Pretty cataclysmic situation, huh? "
" Like you said, we can't lose hope. People are relying on us. "
" Then let's go back to what's always worked. A duo. You and me against the world, M'Lady. "
" It's gonna take a lot of time to de-akumatize all these villains one by one. "
" Whatever your wish it can only be evil judging the by all the havoc you wreak. "
" Oh no. My father wants me to attend a charity event he's throwing. I can't stay. "
" I wanted to tell you. Rose was right earlier. You're always helping people. Like that day you helped Juleka overcome her class photo curse. or when you partnered Nathaniel and Marc together to make that comic book. Or when you helped me get to the movies so that I could see my mother on the screen. That's why everyone jumped at the chance to help you with the picnic. So today, it was our turn to help you. You're our everyday Ladybug. Have a good evening, Super-Marinette. "

Santa Claws

" Check it out, Nathalie. Do you think [my father]'ll like all the decorations? "
" [My father]'s still only thinking of himself. I just want this terrible day to be over and done with. I hate Christmas! "
" I'm a sad, lonely kitty; won't anyone take pity? "
" It's my first Christmas without my mom, sir. "
" Put this [hat] on. The friend who gave it to me would want you to have it. "
" I've always dreamed of being your Santa Claus, M'Lady. "
" Merry Christmas, Mom. "

Season 3


" My eyesight and hearing are good. I'll sit in the back of the class and you two can sit up front. I don't mind. "
" Lila, I'm perfectly happy being friends with you, and I'll gladly help you catch on your schoolwork, but please don't lie to me like you did last time with Ladybug. "
" I'm not judging you, Lila, but instead of making friends you're going to turn everyone against you. You can tell me if there's something bothering you. I can help. But you need to be honest with me. "
" I'm still here if you need help catching up with your schoolwork. "
" Wow, you certainly got that supervillain to clam up, m'lady. But we're still not out of the woods yet. Where's the akumatized object? "
" You'll see, it's an old acquaintance. "
" A liar. Yes, I know. But do you really think exposing [Lila] will make things better? If you humiliate her, she'll just be hurt more. Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy. "
" As long as you and I both know the truth, does it really matter? "
" Good for you for taking the high road, Marinette. Hey, it's pretty cool back here. "
" Marinette, Miss Bustier's called your name three times already. "
" Excuse me Miss Bustier, can I move, too, please? I'd like to sit next to Nino again. Sorry Lila, he's my best friend. "


" We'd have come to your movie premiere if we'd have known how upset you were gonna get. "
" Watch out! How do you beat a 2D character? "
" Of course! Who better to make a movie about Cat Noir and Ladybug, than Ladybug and Cat Noir? "
" Uh oh. It won't be easy getting people to stop watching [Animaestro] now. Looks like this show is a sellout! "
" Just because it's colorful and shiny doesn't mean it's not extremely dangerous. "
" So... you jealous of our success, huh? "
" Funny, cause I think we're the last ones. "
" You know I trust you blindly. "
" Awesome you could get in, Marinette. And I'm really sorry I didn't get to taste your macaron. It looked delicious. "


" Looks like Ladybug's the one unveiling a brand new method of air transport. "
" You think I'm a tad old-fashioned, don't you? "
" A blending of ancient and modern. I personally like this glass pyramid a lot. "
" We're doing okay for now, but I'll remember that. Thanks, Chloé. "
" Tomatoes in a bottle? Mmm, I doubt our friend will take too kindly to this. "
" Oh, stop it, Ladybug, you're making us all drool! Isn't that right, Bakerix? "
" Well, that's how we do it, anyway. "
" Are you sure you wanna go home on a superhero's back? It's fast, but not very traditional. "
" Uh, the thing is, I'm gonna transform back soon, and- whoa! You're a real tough cookie, even without your superpowers. Mmm. Both these breads are delicious, d'you have any jam by any chance? "
" They're both tasty, in different ways. This one's more traditional, and this one has a delicate flavor that makes it special. It's too hard to choose. I'm sorry but I really do have to get going. Thanks for the tasty snack! "


" Whoops! M'Lady, okay you are? Are you okay, m'lady? "
" I'll gladly be your bodyguard, m'lady. In no time you'll be back the way you were before you got akumatized! "
" That's incredible! I was just thinking to myself, why don't we redo the fountain's plumbing while we're here? "
" Your Lucky Charm seems more convoluted than usual. "
" I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth, m'lady. "
" Oh, oops! Sorry, but I'd better scat! Superfast. "
" It's a secret; you see, we cats are mysterious too. "
" I was very surprised when I read your letter, but since it seemed to be so important, I spent the whole weekend walking around London looking for it... for you. "


" I don't call the shots, m'lady. You're the superhero who captures the evil akumas— I'm just the cunning, ultra-charming Cat Noir. "
" Easy? That's 'cause I make it look easy. "
" D'you know why Master Fu gave you the Ladybug Miraculous instead of me? [...] No, because you don't have a sense of humor. "
" Uh... Look, it's no big deal! You have so many other great qualities! I'm just in charge of the humor department. "
" Well, M'Lady Noire, it looks like you're playing the easy part today! "
" You're just jealous of my mastery, that's all. "
" Sounds like you're wearing the clown costume now! "
" You could at least show a bit of gratitude! Besides, I think we look pretty good in these costumes. "
" Okay, I admit it. It's not easy being a super Ladybug. "
" I'll never be able to do this without you, m'lady. "
" Honestly, I understand why you never have any time to make jokes, m'lady. "
" You can count on me, Plagg. I'll never take off my miraculous again! I'm not cut out to be Ladybug, that's for sure! "


" Wow, my heart is just like that yo-yo-wrapped baby's wrist. Taken prisoner by m'Lady forever. "
" Admit it, for a second there, you almost fell for my poetic verse. "
" Your plastic doughnut doesn't stand a chance against the best macaroons in Paris. That baby has taste. "
" I just thought that [Marinette] followed us everywhere because she's a fan of Ladybug like her friend Alya. But it turns out that she's in love with me. Do you realize it's the first time that a girl's told me she's in love with me! Tell me about it. If only Ladybug would confess her love to me like that. "
" Marinette in love with Cat Noir? I didn't think he was her type. "
" Well, actually, Mr. Dupain, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, Marinette, here's the thing. You're really nice people and this meal is delicious and by far the friendliest I've had in a long time. Marinette, you're an awesome girl, and I get that you have feelings for me. After all, I'm awesome in so many ways, even I could fall in love with myself! Anyway, I'm afraid my heart belongs to someone else. Even if she keeps rejecting me. Even if she loves somebody else. I'm in love with Ladybug. I'm really sorry, Marinette. "
" No! What hurts the most is solitude. Believe me, I know all about it. Nothing hurts more than isolation. Having to sit alone in front of a cold meal. Is that what you want for your daughter? A lifetime of cold meals in her prison of roses? "
" I may not be her prince, but I'm charming enough to free her. "
" Not being in love with her, losing my stick, won't keep me from saving her. I'll never give up. Never! "
" She's as wonderful as ever. Who wouldn't be in love with Ladybug? Oh, I— she also has some flaws, you know. "
" Really? Phew! I really didn't wanna hurt you, Marinette. You seem like such an awesome person. Even though you're not a huge fan of mine, like I originally thought when I saw you on the roof. "


" I don't want to be catty but I really don't know what you mean. "
" And you can't say the detransformation words? Which means you'll be a mute Ladybug for the rest of your life? [...] But it has its advantages in a way. Now you'll never be able to pick on my jokes. "
" I'm kidding, M'lady. Don't worry, you always get us out of the worst fixes. Meanwhile, I'll be able to babble to my heart's content. "
" Maybe I could imitate your voice? Lucky Charm, Lucky Charm, Lucky Charm, Lucky Charm! Uh... yeah, okay, I'll shut up now. "
" Uh... cat got your tongue? A night at the opera? "
" Wait, M'lady! It might be too early to pull off your crazy plan. We could wait for Bob Roth to actually tell the truth. Then justice would be served for Kitty Section, wouldn't it? "
" C'mon! We got all the time in the world! We might as well have a bit of fun! "
" That would be a shame considering how hilarious I am. "
" I don't see how this is going to work any better than a lamp but at least you've got yourself a real Lucky Charm. "
" We usually save the good guys from the baddies, but I've got my doubts about this one. You sure [Bob Roth] hasn't been akumatized? "


" Hey, Lila. Nino told me about your problem. I can still help you with your schoolwork if you want. "
" An A- in math. Listen, Lila, you should forget about this. My father can be harsh with anyone he thinks is an intruder. "
" I don't have any girlfriends! "
" Don't you think you should ask the lucky guy what he thinks? Hey, I'm just trying to help. "
" Hey! Not cool! The girls were just starting to get along! "
" Adrien, Adrien, Adrien. All the girls are fighting over him. No one's fighting over me. Yet I'm so much more sophisticated, funnier, and definitely better dressed than him. "
" What are you smiling at? "
" You just wanted me to leave Ladybug alone with the villain? You hate Ladybug... that much? "
" What you just did is really terrible. You should be ashamed of yourself. Answer your phone, Mr. Hessenpy. "
" Yes, M'lady? [...] It's the girl of my dreams. [...] Sure, I'll bring her over to you right now. Hurry! "
" Need a helping paw, M'lady? "
" Keep an eye on Lila. She's as sly as a fox. "
" Sorry, I've got fencing. Besides, I think you're already light years ahead of me when it comes to calculus. "
" Lila, you can always count on me. But not if you hurt the people I love. "
" I'm only trying to be worthy of you. "


" Still haven't spoken to [Chloe], huh? [...] And the best kept secrets are the ones you don't share, yeah-yeah, I know. I don't think Chloé knows that her time as Queen Bee is over, though. [...] M'lady... promise me you'll go talk to her. It's the right thing to do. "
" If we end up running into one, I promise I'll save you a big chunk. Come on! "
" Look out, M'lady! Lollipops are bad for your teeth. "
" Hey, you're a tad on the late side. The fight was five minutes ago. "
" I guess you didn't work things out with [Chloe], did you? "
" [Miraculer]'s swiped your power! That little copycat! Get backup, I'll take care of her. Cataclysm! "
" Plagg, grab some Camembert in my jacket. We'll rest for a while 'til Ladybug comes back. "
" Oh, it's nothing. I just got Cataclysmed in the ribs. I'll be fine. "
" Watch out. Your dream sounds more like a nightmare to me. "
" I'm sorry, M'lady. I held out for as long as I could. "


" Hi there! What are you exactly? Genies, like the one in the lamp? "
" Wow, Marinette! You seem like someone who always has the right idea at the right time! "
" Then we must have told each other everything. I couldn't hide my identity from the girl I love. "
" No wonder I fell in love with you. "
" You've already proven that you are [a superhero], with or without a costume. "
" Don't worry, you always have the right idea at the right time, you got this! "
" Marinette, I want to fight beside you. If we're a couple, then we'll be stronger together. "
" Whoa. I don't need any memory to know that I love that girl. "
" Okay, I've got no idea what the hakuna matata is, but I trust you. So what's the plan? "
" Hey, you! Do you want to play cat and mouse with me? The first one who tags the other wins! "
" Wait. Do you think we'll remember all this… afterwards? [...] All right then. With your permission, m'Lady… "
" We do make a good couple, don't you think? Otherwise we wouldn't have won again like we always do. "
" Well one thing's for sure, we would make a good-looking couple. We're meant for each other m'Lady. You're the only one who doesn't see it. "
" I can't believe it, Plagg. She finally fell in love with me, and I've forgotten all about it! [...] You know what? It doesn't matter. If it happened once, it can happen again. At least now, I know my dream can come true. "


" We're officially at fencing practice right now, but -- Oh, no, Kagami. Isn't this the wrong address? "
" No, it's time for Cat Noir to make his entrance. "
" We must stop running into each other like this, M'lady. Let's take care of this guitarist and her seriously bad music. Uh, you lookin' for something, M'lady? [...] You wanna entrust [Adrien] with a Miraculous? "
" Plagg, Ladybug needs me. She needs "Adrien"! [...] She thinks I'm the perfect guy for this mission. "
" This is my chance to get her to love me as myself! "Adrien"! I don't care what costume comes with it, I have to try. Ladybug chose me! "
" I would have preferred a horseshoe for my first mission. "
" No, but I used my power of second chance. No time to wait for Cat Noir — we're fine without him. You'll see, we're gonna make an awesome team — Aspik and Ladybug. "
" You know, Ladybug? I'm actually also Cat Noir and I've been in love with you since our eyes first met. "
" I've been trying for months. It was 25,913th time. I don't know what to do anymore! "
" ... Brave? Determined? Caring? Why don't you give [Luka] the Miraculous? "
" I'm not sure Ladybug will have very fond memories of her experience with "Adrien Agreste". "
" Perhaps you would've preferred a lucky horseshoe for your first mission. "


" Actually I think I know m'lady. I'm with Santa Claus we've taken refuge in the ice rink. "
" Stranger than fighting a pharaoh's reincarnation or a pigeon overlord empowered by magical butterflies, you mean? "
" I kinda like this idea. I asked for— "
" Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas everyone. "
" And we're gonna have to defeat ourselves! "
" Then it's time to show them who the real game masters are. "
" What about using my power to destroy these toys? "
" I can take it down, nothing can resist my Cataclysm. "


" Hawk Moth already struck last night, so there's no chance there'll be another Akumatization today. "
" I'm tired of my father keeping me from going on school field trips. [...] Technically not, because I didn't tell him about this [trip]! "
" I... was already on the train! Lucky, huh? Just like what they say about black cats? "
" There're hundreds of people on the train! I'm just a cat in a hay stack. "
" Why don't we use the Horse Miraculous to teleport the train back to Earth? "
" But if we do it while the train's up here in space, we'll all freeze and have no air to breathe. "
" We're handling this. Gather everyone together at the back of the train, please. "
" We... didn't know you were going to be here, otherwise we would've, for sure. "
" You two make an awesome pair, too. Just like me and milady. "
" Max won't be able to hold on in these conditions without super powers! "



Gamer 2.0

Stormy Weather 2

Ikari Gozen


Party Crasher

The Puppeteer 2

Cat Blanc



Heart Hunter

Miracle Queen

Miraculous Secrets

Ladybug as seen by Adrien

" I have to write something more... smart? But I can't make jokes, [Ladybug] doesn't like that, which makes no sense because my puns are on point. I find them to be extremely funny! "
" Nobody can know who I really am, not even the one I love. "
" Maybe it's best that I tell [Ladybug] nothing, then, for now, at least. But I'll find something, and someday, I'll tell her the truth. "

Adrien's Double Life

" I sometimes model for [my father], posing for his advertising campaigns. I don't hate it, but I won't make a career out of it. Actually, I mostly do it to make my father happy. Ever since Mom disappeared, he hasn't been the same. So, I try to be there for him. "

Miraculous Adventures

Issue 2

" You've chosen the Cat Noir express, which comes with a free delivery of paw blows on supervillains' behinds. Thank you for your trust! "
" Oh no! You've ruined that delicious ice cream! Honestly, who would want to taste a chocolate and sardine cone?! "
" Couldn't you have conjured up a rubber dinghy, at the very least? "
ve Quotes
Miraculous holders

Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir • Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug

Occansional Miraculous holders
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge • Nino Lahiffe/Carapace • Luka Couffaine/Viperion • Max Kanté/Pegasus • Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko • Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey • Zoé Lee/Vesperia • Mylène Haprèle/Multimouse • Rose Lavillant/Pigella • Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress • Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound • Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold • Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid • Ivan Bruel/Minotaurox
Former Miraculous holders
Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee • Wang Fu/Jade Turtle
Future Miraculous holders
Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Barkk • Daizzi • Duusu • Kaalki • Longg • Mullo • Nooroo • Plagg • Pollen • Roaar • Sass • Tikki • Trixx • Wayzz • Xuppu • Ziggy
Main villains
Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth • Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura • Félix Graham de Vanily/Flairmidable
Other characters
Aurore Beauréal • Manon Chamack • Ondine • Lila Rossi • Wayhem
Vincent Aza • Théo Barbot • André Bourgeois • Audrey Bourgeois • Caline Bustier • Butler Jean • Alec Cataldi • Nora Césaire • Nadja Chamack • Sabine Cheng • Anarka Couffaine • Mr. Damocles • Gina Dupain • Tom Dupain • Simon Grimault • Jalil Kubdel • Ms. Mendeleiev • Clara Nightingale • Philippe • Roger Raincomprix • Xavier Ramier • Penny Rolling • Bob Roth • Santa Claus • Jagged Stone • Tomoe Tsurugi • XY


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